Converts the first character in this String to upper case using the rules of the given Locale.
Converts the first character in this String to upper case using the rules of the given Locale. Does NOT convert the following chars at the start of the string: 'ß' -> "SS" 'fi' -> "FI" 'ff' -> "FF" 'fl' -> "FL" 'ffi' -> "FFI" 'ffl' -> "FFL" 'ſt' -> "ST" 'st' -> "ST"
TODO: there are probably many other cases. Maybe we should use Character.toUpperCase() instead of String.toUpperCase()? What would MediaWiki do?
The locale used to capitalize the String
Return a copy of this string in which all occurrences of chars from the given string have been converted to UTF-8 hex representation where each two-digit hex byte is prefixed by the given escape character.
Return a copy of this string in which all occurrences of chars from the given string have been converted to UTF-8 hex representation where each two-digit hex byte is prefixed by the given escape character.
TODO: This method does not work for code points > 0xFFFF.
list of characters that should be escaped if they occur in the string.
TODO: this method is pretty inefficient. It is usually used with the same chars all the time, so we should have an array containing their escaped values and use a lookup table.
Similar to java.lang.String.replaceAll() and scala.util.matching.Regex.replaceAllIn(), but the replacement can be chosen more flexibly and this method should be more efficient.
return a copy of this string in which all occurrences of chars from the first string have been replaced by the corresponding char from the second string.
return a copy of this string in which all occurrences of chars from the first string have been replaced by the corresponding char from the second string. If there is no corresponding char (i.e. the second string is shorter than the first one), the affected char is removed.
TODO: This method does not work for code points > 0xFFFF.
list of characters that should be replaced if they occur in the string.
Converts this String to camel case.
Converts this String to camel case. The first character is not changed.
The regex used to split the string into words
The locale used to capitalize the words
Split string on given character or whitespace, trim each part, remove empty parts
Converts the first character in this String to lower case using the rules of the given Locale.
Converts the first character in this String to lower case using the rules of the given Locale.
The locale
Defines additional methods on strings, which are missing in the standard library.